
Friday, March 26, 2021


 on Friday we had the halswell football coaches come to our school. there was 8 teams. my team had no bibs on. we did warm up games we did was nee tag and turtle tag. every team went in one part to the fled to play football. here is  photos


The Duffy Show

A week ago the amazing Duffy Theatre came to our school. We walked over to the gym. the people said that it took them 8 hours to get to Christchurch from Auckland. They had a set up with moving boards . The people told us a lot about them. They did a play about Bubble Trouble, it was based on lock down. Duffy walked in screaming, “Where are you moo molly”? Arede mooed as she walked in.``Oh there you are “ Duffy said. He grabbed his book and started reading how to milk a cow. “Moo'' Molly screamed as she shot off the set.Once the play was finished we asked them questions. some kids found it very funny and I didn't. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Snow ball fight

on Tuesday my teacher Miss Scott made up a game called the snow ball . She give everyone a sheet of paper. We write 3 sentences about us. I had to scrunch up the sheet of paper into a ball after wiring the sentences. We threw them at each other. Miss Scott blew a whistle. We all had to have one piece of paper.  Everyone had to guess who's piece of paper they had. Then we would repeat it until Miss Scott wanted to go inside.

There is no photo sorry.

My Mandala

 Hi every, a few weeks ago Miss Scott gave out mandalas to everyone. We coloured in the blank spots with a colour of our choice. then you had to write five goals that you want to accomplish this year. I picked one theme colour, it was green and my friend pick blue. Here is a photo of my mandala.