
Friday, June 19, 2020

designing a senior playground at my school

Hello readers, the last couple of fantastic weeks my class has been working on a senior playground for the seniors at my school here is a picture of my group making our playground.



  1. This is a VERY SMALL playground Kushla.I don't like the chances that the senior children are going to be able to play on it.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. hello Kushla, I like the way you circled your self. next time you should get in the picture

  3. hello Kushla,I love how you have made a senior playground but next time maybe you could add more stuff to the playground? I can't wait to hear from you.

  4. Hey Kushla, It's me Esha your friend I like your playground blog. Next time plz try and get in the photo and having a capital letter for the title. bye


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