
Thursday, March 12, 2020

100 word count

Today we did our 100 word count. Miss Scott, my teacher, said that we had to add a sentence ‘I’m trying to hold on’, he shouted, but it had to be 100 words. That is what made it hard to write this story and keep it short.

It was hot and sunny at Rainbows End. My friends and I wanted to go on the newest ride there, the Stratosfear. The line was so big it looked like we would be waiting forever. Some of my friends wanted to go on Gold Rush but I couldn’t decide so I said “we should get some food”. 
One of my friends said “I need to go to the toilet”, I said “hold on”. ‘I’m trying to hold on’, he shouted. Just when we got into the queue he peed his pants we had to go back to the Hotel Room.
Image result for rainbow end


  1. Hello Kushla.I really enjoyed your story.I like that used punctuation for when people were talking. Have you ever been to Rainbow's End or any kind of adventure park?.I haven't. I think I would like to go on a roller coaster,but then I don't like heights.

  2. Hi Kushla

    this is my first time looking at the children's blogs and it is very interesting. I love how you used speech marks for when people were talking in your story. Good job!!How embarrassing for your friend to pee his pants.

  3. Hello Kushla.I am guessing you've been doing lots of cool and exciting things at home during lock down.I would really love to hear what you have been up to.
    I have been going with Sam while she hunts Pokemon.We take the camera and fill the hamper with lots of yummy treats to feed the wild animals that we pass.We've seen bears,hippopotamuses and even a giraffe,although it wasn't very tall.I have even seen a cookie bear.
    have you seen any exotic animals in your neighbourhood?.I look forward to hearing from you.

  4. Hello Kushla.
    I was hoping to get this written by the morning,but the radio is now telling me that it's the afternoon.The sun is out and school starts tomorrow.We will be doing 'distance learning' instead of actually going to school.I can't wait to read about what you have been doing these holidays and I hope all goes well for the learning on the chrome books.
    Have a lovely week.

  5. Hi Kushla, I like your story with the 100 word count. Have you ever been to Rainbow's End? I went once many years ago and felt sick after going on the corkscrew roller coaster. Could you write a different story using the same sentence added in?


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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Helpful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
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