
Friday, May 14, 2021

How To Make A Hot Chocolate

 Hey everyone, This week we have been working on Procedure. You have to write instruction on how to make a Hot Chocolate. We got given Buddy's my Buddy's name was Moira. After choosing what instruction we were going to use to make a hot chocolate. Then we went up to a table and repeated the instruction and to make a hot chocolate. Here is a photo of my and Moira holding our hot chocolate. here is my instruction on how to make a hot chocolate with a machine


  1. YUMMY...I would GLADLY drink the hot chocolate in the photo Kushla.If you can make one look that delicious and taste as good as it looks,then LET ME KNOW!.

    What a cool photo of the pair of you.I just hope you didn't try and drink out of the cup at the same time :)

  2. that hot chocolate recipe sounds delicious can you make me one? :)
    it looks like you both want to drink the hot chocolate in that photo awesome.

  3. Hi Mum me and my friend Moira made a hot chocolate together but Moira drank it because it didn't taste nice.


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