
Friday, April 12, 2019


Hello my name is Kushla
In Cybersmart Miss Morgan showed us a tab called Unsplash. We used photos from Unsplash to
explain about us. The pictures show my family, my nickname, my home country, my favourite colour,
a dream destination and some things I really like. Here is a screenshot I took.


  1. hi kushla i was just letting you no that your all about me was absolutely so amazing and good well see you at school and have a warm day

  2. Hello Kushla.It was great to 'read' your pictures.I am going to guess a little bit about you,through your pics.You would like to have purple hair.You are 8 years old.(That's only 2 years younger than me)and you like horses.(JUST LIKE ME) You have included a pic of Australia, is this your home country or your dream destination?I look forward to your reply.

  3. Hi kushla i relly like how your post looks

    1. I put a lot of effete In to my unsplash work

  4. Hi Kushla. It is a cute photo of your family and I like the photo of Australia I want to go to australia

  5. hi miss cassidy thank you so much for commenting on my blog. and i do want to have purple hair. thats cool that you like horses to.


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